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How You Can Use a Quiz to Generate Leads. Lots of leads!

Freebies, offers, and discounts are everywhere, conditioning us to receive value before we give. However, the number one method of generating leads is still cold outreach. We have become conditioned to receive value before we open our wallets yet so many of us still rely on these outdated strategies? Why are so many businesses stuck in the old paradigm of thinking? Consumer behaviour is changing alongside the ever-increasing rate of technological advancement. So why wouldn’t we change our lead generation strategies alongside the changes in consumer behaviour?

The Numbers

With cold calling averaging a 2% success rate in 2020 along with cold emailing at 15%, it amazes me that so many companies are investing so much time into these strategies for such a low ROI. Sure, we could drive traffic to landing pages and offer discounts and freebies, but even these methods have seen a huge decline over the past 6 months with landing pages averaging a 2.4% conversion rate and discounted offers averaging 8%.

Stop being stubborn and embrace change

If technology is advancing exponentially then surely these technologies can be utilised in the pursuit of our business goals? In reality they can, but this requires changes to our strategies, the way we think, and the ability to embrace change, which seems to be a rare quality in humans.

But what if we could increase our conversions by as much as 60%?

quiz to generate leads
quiz to generate leads

The Key factor here is engagement, and a quiz can do just that!

So, how can you use a quiz to generate leads for your business? Here I will briefly share with you a method of increasing your leads by as much as 10X, allowing you to adopt a new method of generating leads that utilises modern technology based on current consumer psychology.

The power of a Quiz for lead generation

If potential leads are visiting your website or page, they are there for one thing,  interest in what you have to offer. We can all agree that there is something very enticing about quizzes, especially if it relates to what we are searching for or interested in. A quiz is interactive, fun, and educational in most cases, factors that are all key to driving engagement. By providing an engaging quiz we can engage our users whilst at the same time generating leads. But the most powerful aspect of quizzes for lead generation is the ability to qualify leads based on given answers. This is an automated qualification strategy that cannot be achieved by offering discounts and driving traffic to landing pages.

Thinking of using a quiz for lead generation? My Message to you

Remember, time is like money, invest it wisely and ensure your ROI. Do more of what’s working, less of what’s not working, and ALWAYS try something different. Those who dare to go against the official paradigm are those who drive innovation.

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