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LINK BUILDING – an incredibly easy method that works for all

High-Quality vs Low-Quality Links

How to build backlinks easily. A common misconception when it comes to link building is that all links are created equal. This is not the case. An inbound link from a small blog page is not going to drive the volume of traffic that a large media company would. Large corporations already have incredibly large audiences with established trust. By building links with large companies, you are able to leverage that audience and trust to dramatically increase your credibility, traffic, rankings, and ultimately leads and sales. Of course, chasing after large companies is often much harder than chasing after small blogs, but a single link from a large company can be of greater value than 1000’s of inbound links from smaller websites.

How Do I Gain High-Quality Inbound Links?

This raises the question of ‘how to build backlinks from industry giants?’. The most common method is to reach out with an idea for a guest post, however, most editors get inundated with thousands of emails daily so its quite easy to get lost within the noise of an editor’s inbox. Its also important to keep in mind that when reaching out with your idea for a guest post, you will have to ensure what you are offering will stand out from the 100’s, if not 1000’s of cold emails sent to editors daily. Also, cold outreach to large companies is a sure way to get sent straight to the spam folder. So what is the best way to build high-quality inbound links in 2020?

how to build backlinks

The Best Way To Start Building High-Quality Inbound Links Today!

In my opinion, there is one simple method you can use to begin building valuable links that drive significant results. Let the big companies come to you! It is common practice for journalists to seek guest speakers and writers for articles by posting on social platforms with hashtags such as #prrequest and #journorequest. All you have to do is get in touch before the competition does.

A real-world scenario

So you notice that a journalist from the Huffington Post is looking for someone to feature in their article about entrepreneurship, you get in touch, feature in the article, he presto, you have a valuable link from a large, credible site that is able to really make a significant difference to your business.

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