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Branding builds recognition and creates an emotional response within your audience
We are a brand design agency based in the Uk and understand that branding is one of the key components in growing a successful business. When it comes to your audience, a brand provides a memory, helping your audience identify you, your products and your business. Branding is important as it is your reputation and represents everything you and your business stands for. Whether you want to create a brand that is based on you as an individual or looking to create a brand where you are hidden from the public eye, as a brand design agency based in the UK we have the knowledge and expertise to get your brand in front of your target audience and begin building the reputation needed to take your business to the next level.
Create an emotional connection with your audience
Build your brand

As a brand design agency based in the UK, we know that a successful brand is the result of understanding audience psychology. In most cases, our spending behaviour is dictated by the emotional connection we have to specific brands. We all associate brands with specific factors such as value for money, reliability, and social status. These factors don’t only hold true for ourselves but the people in which we come into contact with as branding is a hot topic for debate in many social circumstances. For these reasons, branding is an essential component of growing awareness, building trust, and pushing a message.  At The Cheshire Digital Marketing Agency, we recognise the importance of working alongside your goals when constructing a branding strategy. By identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within your industry, we can build a strong branding strategy that will take your business to a whole new level. We aim to discover the behaviours of your audience to identify what they are engaging with the most and create a branding strategy that not only resonates with your audience but promotes everything your business stands for. Our creativity ensures stunning designs that promote your character and values, ensuring you become well established within your industry.

  • Logo design and creation
  • Images, graphics, and icons
  • Animation of logos, images, and graphics
  • Brand positioning
  • Creating a brand message
  • Rebranding
Brand design

We fuse creative design with market research to create a Unique brand ID. Whether you are looking to refresh and reboot your current brand or looking to create a brand from the ground up, our team of experts have the knowledge and skills to build a unique brand with a strong message. We create beautiful logos, graphics, icons, and images with the option to animate, adding even more personality to your brand. Your logo is what identifies your business and creates a first impression so could be considered the most essential aspect of a branding strategy. By combining your value proposition with market research we can create a brand that fascinates your audience whilst promoting your brand message effectively and efficiently.

Brand Positioning

By existing as a brand you are actively engaged in brand positioning. However, many existing brands are unaware of how their brand is positioned within the marketplace. As a brand, people will form opinions about you and it can be difficult to change those opinions once they have been established. Position your brand to target a specific audience with a positioning statement. A positioning statement is essentially a promise to your audience and influences how the market perceives your brand. At the Cheshire Digital Marketing Agency, we focus your brand positioning on your product or service, the demographic group you seek to target, and your promise. Whether you aim to be perceived high end or a cheap alternative, our expertise ensures your brand will be positioned to deliver on its promise.

Brand message

Any branding strategy is reliant on a delicately crafted marketing message. A marketing message aims to show understanding of the problem you are trying to solve and demonstrates how your product or service can address that problem. This is the primary method of which you communicate your product or service to your audience. A well-crafted marketing message should show empathy, compassion, and understanding towards the problem through the use of language and sentence structure. By conducting in-depth research on your audience we are able to understand the best language to relate to your audience and combine this with your brand personality. Using the psychology of language combined with the problem we are able to trigger an emotional response in your audience which they will associate with your brand.

Design elements

The brand design process involves:

1. Selecting a font that is relevant to your market and brand
2. Presenting text in a way that will capture your audience’s attention
3. Creating a layout that is aesthetically pleasing and memorable
4. Creating a symbol that is relevant to your audience, your message, and industry
5. Selecting a colour scheme that is simple but captivating
6. Adding animations and FX

Brand Positioning

The brand positioning process involves:

1. Researching your industry and identifying any gaps within the market.

2. Researching your target audience to understand what they want and what they are most likely to engage with.

3. Researching your competitors to understand what they are doing, what is working for them, and what isn’t.

4. Identifying the similarities and differences between you and your competitors to ensure you stand out.

5. Create an impactful positioning statement that provides you with a unique identity that clearly defines why your audience should choose your brand.

Brand Message

The Brand Message process involves:

1. Finding out exactly who you are, what you have to offer, and how you can serve your audience.

2. Research into your audience to understand what your target audience is most likely to engage with

3. Research into the language, tone of voice, and sentence structure that is most likely to trigger an emotional response in your audience.

4. Research into your competition to understand what audience they are targeting and to identify gaps within the market.

4. Combine your brand personality with market research to create a brand message that communicates your mission to your audience.

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